Qualified Teacher Status Quality mathematics tuition Full and Clear DBS Check
Why our choose our maths tutors

Why Choose Us

How we Teach

In the first session we will assess your mathematical reasoning and ability level using our unique assessment process in order to build a solid understanding of you as an individual. We will then listen to what you want to get out of the sessions, after all, they are YOUR sessions. Afterwards, we will produce a customised learning plan that will be tailored to your individual requirements.

Learning mathematics could be compared to building a castle out of LEGO, if there is a problem with the foundation then the whole castle will be shaky and eventually will collapse. To this end, many students have sadly been let down by their school with poor tuition at some point, either by their teacher/multiple teachers (one student we taught had 4 teachers in a single year!) or by the environment and other disruptive students.

Our first priority in tuition is to address any problems with this foundation. This will boost your confidence and enable you to fully participate in lessons without any underlying misconceptions holding you back.

After this, depending on your needs, we will develop your mathematical understanding to enable you being finding the topic an enjoyable challenge not just a challenge!

Here To Help

Our motto is "here to help" but maybe it should be "here to help not judge". We believe in supporting and encouraging you through any difficulties you may be having. We all have questions that need answering but when you feel you can't ask because of embarrassment you will never progress.

Have a question you can't ask your friends or teacher? Forgotten what 1 + 1 equals? (a window! google it) You can ask us.

Online Lessons

All our students have full free access